Barb’s Charity Shed & The ‘New Normal’

For those who have been missing Barb’s Charity Shed for their charity shopping, there’s a little bit of good news. Barbara is now re-opening the Charity Shed on Sunday mornings.

But, in the context of the ‘new normal’ there are a few things to be aware of … 


The Charity Shed is a significant fundraiser for us through the peak seasons of the year. With lockdown lifting, and more visitors coming to the local beached, Barb is keen to reopen the Charity Shed.

However, the ‘new normal’ means it’s impossible to run the shed as before. So, please could all visitors, supporters and customers of the Charity Shed could be aware that:

  • The shed will only open on Sunday mornings when the weather is fine to do so. In the event of any local flare up or additional risk in the area, the shed will not open. As such, opening times may be irregular compared to previous seasons.
  • The shed is open for charity shopping sales only. Please do not bring items down as donations (see below).
  • Customers are asked not to handle goods unless they are wearing gloves, or actually buying the item.
  • Social distancing guidance should be respected at all times. Customers should take turns browsing the tables at the shed.
  • Customers are also asked to respect Barbara’s social distancing and money-handling requirements.
  • Barbara’s without her mask for the photo so she could share her welcoming smile! However, whilst masks outdoors are not mandatory at the moment, wearing a mask whilst browsing at the Charity Shed would be appreciated.

No donated items thank you

The biggest change for the foreseeable future is that the charity shed is not open for donation of items to sell. Please do not drop off items at Barbara’s home or the boathouse. Donated good cannot be accepted, handled, quarantined or stored in a way which is safe for Barbara and her household.

Barbara’s an amazing volunteer who has raised thousands for Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat  in the 7 years she has been running the shed. So please, help us to keep her safe by respecting that the ‘new normal’ for the charity shed.

Thanks to everyone for their understanding and on-going support.




Whilst you’re here …

As a charity, everyone who’s involved in our independent rescue service is a volunteer. Our team constantly fundraise to cover all of our running costs, but CV19 has had a major impact on our ability to fundraise in the community.

Barbara’s charity shed is an example of this. Normally, the shed would have been open since Easter and would have raised a significant amount by now. The ‘new normal’ means that funds raised by the charity shed are likely to be around 95% down on previous years.

Instead of being able to support us through the Charity Shed, if you like the work we do and would like to support us, please consider a donation. Even the smallest donation helps and could make a real difference to those in danger on our local coastline.

Thank you so much, from the volunteers at Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat.